更换电脑显示语言 (Changing Computer Display Language)

For Windows 7 Home Premium (Change your language on Microsoft website if you're using Windows 7 Enterprise or Ultimate)

前提: 如果你不想浪费时间看视频, 就看我写的步骤.
Premise: If you don't want to waste time to watch the video, see the step I wrote.

1. 在这个网站选择你所要的语言下载
Choose the language you want to download at this website
(备注: 别根据网址里的方法安装, 我有更简单的)
(Note: Do not follow website's step to install, I have easier way)

2. 在等待下载时, 从这个网址另外下载Vistalizator程式
While waiting for download of language pack, download the Vistalizator program from this link

3. Vistalizator程式下载完毕后, 开启并等待语言包下载完毕
After Vistalizator program downloaded, open and wait for the language pack to finish downloading

4. 点击 (Add languages), 然后去你储存已下载语言包的文件夹, 双击语言包
Click (Add languages), and then go to your folder for saving downloaded language pack, double-click the language pack

5. 会弹出一个视窗, 确认你选中的语言包. 点击 (Install language)
It will pop out a window, to confirm the language pack you chose. Click (Install language)

6. 在等待完语言的安装后, 会跳出个视窗问你是否要将已选择的语言作为新的电脑显示语言, 我以简体中文作为例子
After waiting of language installed, it will pop out a window to choose if you want to set the newest installed language as your new computer's display language. Simplified Chinese as example
(Done! Do you want to make Chinese (simplified) language the new display language?)

7. 点击 (Yes)
Click (Yes)

8. 在那之后, 退出Vistalizator, 你会被给予重开电脑的选项. 在重开之后, 新语言将会生效
After that, exit the Vistalizator and you will be given the option to restart the computer. After restarting, new language should be used


[重要]备注: 往后如果要更换语言, 开启Vistalizator, 选择你要的语言然后点击 (Change language)
[IMPORTANT]NOTE: If you want to change language in future, open Vistalizator, choose the language you want and then click (Change language)

GOOD LUCK! This is my result.

zubzub僵尸特辑系列 所有BGM

因为之前都懒得放, 所以现在一次过全部放出来, 别怪我哈XD

BGM: Halo OST - 117
Requiem for a dream

BGM: In Flames - Cloud Connected

BGM: Era - The Mass

BGM: V3 - Beethoven
Black And Yellow - Wiz Khalifa
Aceyalone - Rapps On Deck

BGM: Busdriver - Me Time
Foxy Shazam - Killin' it
Benny Hill Theme

BGM: Valentin Wiest - Tomahawk
Two Steps From Hell - Archangel

BGM: Two Steps From Hell - Master of Shadow
Two Steps From Hell - Norwegian Pirate


这几天忙着赶视频 (虽然我知道做得不好), 但已经很尽力的在做了, 要知道2013年的玩家都聪明得很@_@ 但我还是会做得最好! (在能力之内)

2013年的我希望今年还是一如往常, 但想到后天的初一还真是纠结+_+

但还是提早祝各位新年快乐! 恭喜发财! 来张贺岁图吧^ ^

我知道这是北京奥运会的福娃..= = 但看起来也是充满吉祥气氛的, 不是吗?


拍视频是一件很累人的事*.*, 拍的场景必须要好, 而且还需要面对FPS降低的状况, 但我都尽力拍好每一部视频, 尽可能有多好拍多好.

现在尝试着做跟前3部不同的视频, 算是电影吧^_^ 但FPS真的降得很低, 所以拍摄也相对的变得很困难, 期望这视频能成功! 累死人了QAQ